Yorkshire Terrier

Yorkshire Terrier Puppies For Sale!

yorkshire terrier

About The Breed

The Yorkie has a long silky coat with a coloration of blue and golden tan. They have large expressive eyes, a black nose, and large alert ears. They have a medium length tail that is carried high with purpose and daintiness. They are well known for being hypoallergenic as the Yorkie does not shed much.

The Yorkshire Terrier is a feisty yet dainty little dog. They are a true terrier in every sense of the word. They can be bossy and bold with their up-town attitude. The Yorkie makes a wonderful companion for the elderly, or a small family friend.

The Yorkie can be very protective of their family and friends and do best if they get regular play and stimulation.

The Yorkshire Terrier originated in England in the 1870s as a ratting dog in the coal mines. Eventually they became more popular with women as lapdogs in the Victorian era.
Right Choice?
If your breed of choice is the Yorkshire Terrier, you will enjoy many years of love, laughs, and companionship.
breed type icon
Toy Dog
breed grooming icon
Medium Maintenance
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Adult Height:
8-9 inches

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Adult Weight:
4-7 lbs

breed lifespan icon

12-15 years

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